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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Environmental Engineering free essay sample
It involvesâ waste water managementâ andâ air pollutionâ control, recycling,â waste removal, radiation assurance, modern cleanliness, natural maintainability, andâ public healthâ issues just as an information ofâ environmental building law. It is a related investigation of ecological science. Fundamental errand of ecological designers is to ensure general wellbeing by securing (from further corruption), safeguarding (the current state of), and improving the earth. Some work of Environmental architects: Conducts unsafe waste managementâ studies to assess the criticalness of such dangers, exhort on treatment and control, and create guidelines to forestall incidents. Structure metropolitan water gracefully andâ industrial wastewater treatmentâ systems. Address ecological issues, for example, the impacts ofâ acid rain,â global warming,â ozone consumption, water contamination and air contamination fromâ automobile exhaustsâ andâ industrial sources. Natural scienceâ is an interdisciplinaryâ academic fieldâ that incorporates physical and organic sciences, (counting yet not constrained to Ecology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Soil Science, Geology, Atmospheric Science and Geography) to the investigation of the earth, and the arrangement of ecological issues. Natural science gives an incorporated, quantitative, and interdisciplinaryâ approach to the investigation of ecological frameworks. Natural science woke up as a meaningful, dynamic field of logical examination during the 1960s and 1970s driven by the ff. ssues: (a)â â the requirement for a multi-disciplinary way to deal with dissect complex natural issues. (b)â â the appearance of considerable natural laws requiring explicit ecological conventions of examination. (c)â â the developing open consciousness of a requirement for activity in tending to natural issues. Related regions of study: ecological studiesâ consolidates a greater amount of the sociologies for understanding human connections, discernments and arrangements towards the earth. 2. natural building centers around structure and innovation for improving ecological quality. Parts of Environmental Science: Ecologyâ is the investigation of the associations among living beings and their condition. Biologists may explore the connection between a populace of living beings and some physical quality of their condition, for example, convergence of a compound; or they may examine the cooperation between a two populaces of various creatures through some advantageous or serious relationship. For instance, an interdisciplinary examination of a biological framework which is being affected by at least one stressors may incorporate a few related ecological science fields. In an estuarine setting where a proposed mechanical advancement could affect certain species byâ waterâ andâ air pollution,â biologistsâ would depict the verdure and fauna,â chemistsâ would dissect the vehicle of water poisons to the marsh,â physicistsâ would calculateâ air pollutionâ emissions andâ geologistsâ would help with understanding the swamp soils and narrows muds. . Climatic sciencesâ focuses on the Earths air, with an accentuation upon its interrelation to different frameworks. Environmental sciences can incorporate examinations ofâ meteorology,greenhouse gasâ phenomena,â atmospheric scattering modelingâ of airborne contaminants,[3][4]â sound spread marvels related toâ noise contamination, and evenâ light contamination. Taking the case of theâ global warmingâ phenomena, physicists createâ computer modelsâ of environmental course and infra-red radiation transmission, scientists look at the stock of barometrical synthetic substances and their responses, researcher break down the plant and creature commitments toâ carbon dioxideâ fluxes, and authorities such asâ meteorologistsâ andâ oceanographers include extra broadness in understanding the air elements. 3. Ecological chemistryâ is the investigation of compound modifications in nature. Head zones of study includeâ soil contaminationâ andâ water contamination. The subjects of examination remember compound debasement for the earth, multi-stage transport of synthetic substances (for instance, dissipation of aâ solventâ containing lake to yield dissolvable as an air toxin), and concoction impacts upon biota. For instance study, consider the instance of a leakingâ solventâ tank which has entered the environment soil of anâ endangered speciesâ of land and water proficient. As a technique to determine or comprehend the degree ofâ soil contaminationâ and subsurface vehicle of dissolvable, a PC model would be actualized. Scientific experts would then portray the atomic holding of the dissolvable to the particular soil type, and scholars would contemplate the effects upon soilâ arthropods, plants, and at last lake staying creatures that are the food of the jeopardized land and water proficient. 4. Geosciencesâ includeâ environmental geology,â environmental soil science, volcanic marvels and development of the Earths outside. In some characterization frameworks this can likewise includehydrology, includingâ oceanography. For instance investigation of soilsâ erosion, estimations would be made ofâ surface runoffâ by soil researchers. Fluvial geomorphologists would aid examiningâ sediment transportâ in overland stream. Physicists would contribute by surveying the adjustments in light transmission in the getting waters. Researcher would examine resulting effects on amphibian widely varied vegetation from increments in water turbidity. Nature investigation of the connections among creatures and their condition. begins as right on time as 300 BC with the Greek named Theophastus, his enthusiasm with the interrelationship among life form and the living condition, become his as the Father of Botany. Condition alludes to the total of all the outside powers and conditions following up on a creature or network of living being. oekologie was authored by the german zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, originates from the gr eek word oikos, which means home or a spot to live in. characterizes as the relationship of creatures both to the natural just as the inorganic condition,  â â â â â â â â â â in the mid-1900’s two gathering of botanist, one from the Europe and America, become inspired by the investigation of plants networks, the Europeans focused on the piece, structure and conveyance of plant networks, then again the Americans concentrate to the advancement of plant, in the end they become intrigued at the creatures too, and gave a more prominent accentuation on between relationship of creatures and plants. This become the introduction of nature as the conventional field of study. English financial analyst, Thomas Malthus, focused on populace in the mid nineteenth century, his the first o perceived the contention between extending populace and earths capacity to gracefully it. extent of biology, life form (eg. Proto-plasma, cell, tissue, organ, organ framework), populace, network, biological system, and biosphere. Creature: Levels of association of life (inside the life form): Protoplasma †it makes up the living substance of the cell. Cell †fundamental unit of life Tissue-gathering of cell performing explicit capacities Organ-gathering of tissue conveying a specific capacities Organ framework †gathering of organ doing s explicit capacity. Levels of association of life (inside the life form): Population †gathering of living being of a similar kind or animal categories possessing a specific spot at a specific time. Network †a gathering of populaces possessing a given territory. Biological system  fundamental unit of nature, alludes to the cooperation between the living being and condition. It incorporates populace, networks, living space (where the creature lives) and the earth. eg. backwoods, meadow, stream, and so forth ) Biosphere †universe of life. It is the bit of the earth where in life on its any structure existed. Parts of biological system: Biotic †they are the living segments of environment comprising of plants, creatures and microbes. Abiotic †they are the non living part that comprise of base, light, precipitation, supplements, soil, temperature, and so forth. Biotic Components: Green plants  â â  known as the makers. They catch the vitality originating from the sun and along with the CO2 noticeable all around and H2O changes over this into food vitality. They are called autotrophs (self feeding), they make their own food through the procedure of photosynthesis. There are likewise minuscule green plant called phytoplanktons, they give the green shading to the waterways, for example, lake and streams  Animals Known as the purchasers. Get other food sources to different plants and creatures they are called heterotrophs. Three kinds of shoppers: Herbivores †that eat plants just Carnivores †creatures that eat different creatures. Omnivores-eat the two plants and creatures. Microscopic organisms and Fungi They are called decomposers. They eat the dead assemblages of plants and creatures, where they get their vitality and convert it to different supplements once more into the earth. They are mainstream called the janitor of the nature. Abiotic Components: Soilâ the upper layer of the earth’s outside layer influenced by plants and creatures fills in as the territory and pool of supplements for some life form. Humus dim rotting natural substance found in the dirt. Physical trait of soil: Color The shade of the dirts is impact by the component present in the dirt. Soil shading and component presesent: Gray (absences of iron) Brown red (wealthy in iron) Textureâ the surface of the dirt influences the measure of water and supplements the dirt can hold. Surface of the dirt: Sandy (made out of coarse particles) Clay (comprise of fine particles) Silt (made out of medium size particles. ) Loamy (blend of earth, sand and sediment) Moistur
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Unit Quiz Critigue free essay sample
What Is the initial phase In cleaning a gun? Clean from the breech end. B: Point the gag a sheltered way. Field strip the gun. D: Use cleaning solvents in a very much ventilated territory. Your Answer: Correct: b Explanation: Follow these essential strides to clean your gun. Point the gag a protected way, and ensure the firearm is emptied. Expel all ammo from the cleaning bench.Each rifle or handgun is intended to be utilized with a particular kind of: a: cartridge shoetrees check gag Every rifle or handgun Is intended for a particular cartridge. The ammo must match the information stamp on the gun. Which kind of gun sight is straightforward, reasonable, and standard on most handguns? Adaptive speck open gap (peep) A sight is a gadget used to fix up the gag with the shooters eye so the individual can hit the objective. Most handguns have an open sight, albeit some specific Angus have a spot or a scope. We will compose a custom exposition test on Unit Quiz Critigue or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The essential parts of cartridges and relieves are comparable. Which fundamental segment is a slug and shot pellets? A: preliminary case shot powder A shot is the object(s) removed from the barrel. A slug is a shot, for the most part containing lead, discharged through a rifle or handgun barrel. A slug is a strong shot, typically of lead, discharged through a shotgun barrel. Shot is a gathering of lead, steel, tungsten combination, or bismuth pellets discharged through a shotgun barrel.What are the two essential styles of gun activities? Single-shot and continuing rehashing and jolt activity siphon and self-loader single-fired and spinning d Firearms can be ordered by their activity type.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
I Ended Up Working for a Reality TV Show
I Ended Up Working for a Reality TV Show Ambitious Adventures, a reality TV show following innovative cities around the U.S. and its entrepreneurs, will be premiering next year. I always liked the idea of reality TV capturing real moments with real people. But most reality TV is fake nowadays and so we want to do something different. We want to take over the medium of reality TV and use it to inspire people to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. Heres the serendipitous slew of events that happened before I found myself a part of this campaign. I was called up on a random night in October by my friend Sathya, asking me to help run this Jalapeño Bacon Mac and Cheese campaign to feed the homeless that he and his friends were doing. I joined and thats how I met David France, one of the other founders of the campaign. At some point after it ended, he emailed me with a new campaign his buddy Brandon T. Adams was working on in Iowa called the Young Entrepreneur Convention. I donated $20 and didnt think much of it. Fast forward to last month. Some point after Brandons campaign succeeded and his Young Entrepreneur Convention took off, he joined Greg Rollett and Los Silva of to start Ambitious Adventures. Because Brandon knew David, David got heavily involved with the show. And because David knew me, he suggested that I use my writing skills to help out and write up some profiles of the entrepreneurs that will be featured on the show. And so here I am, having worked on these profiles over the last month, squeezing them in between all of my other commitments. Since I was travelling a lot this summer, I had to find really creative ways and places to write. I wrote the first two posts in Costa Rica where my Internet was charged by the megabyte. I typed up three more on my phones keypad while travelling on the bus between Boston and Philly. One of them I wrote at a Starbucks, and another on the train to NYC. I designed all the graphics entirely from my phone, using a mix of mobile PowerPoint and screenshotting. It was a journey, but it taught me to be very resourceful. My next goal is to type one up entirely from a Mac at an Apple store. EVERYONE knows the stories of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg. But have you heard the stories of Phillip and Angelo Campos, two brothers from Des Moines that went from not knowing how to cook to starting a wildly successful salsa business? Or David France, whose world-renowned Roxbury Youth Orchestra started a movement thats sweeping the world, changing the lives of inner-city youth by simply giving them someone who believes in them. These stories are a collection of the everyman being an entrepreneur. These are the stories of their weaknesses, strengths, struggles, and successes. But the unique thing they all have isnt their natural talents, nor their smarts or even their skills. Its their ambition.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Peter Fritzche s Book Germans Into Nazis - 1599 Words
Peter Fritzche’s book, Germans into Nazis, contends that, â€Å"Germans became Nazis because they wanted to become Nazis and because the Nazis spoke so well to their interests and inclinations†¦however, voters did not back Hitler mainly because they share his hatred of the Jews†¦but because they departed from established political traditions in that they were identified at once with a distinctly popular form of ethnic nationalism and with the basic social reforms most Germans counted on to ensure national well-being.†(8-9) His argument rests on the notion that the Nazis had a vision for Germany that incorporated Germans into a national community, throwing off the restraints of a tired government, and propelled them towards a future that would†¦show more content†¦He urged the people, â€Å"go into your churches, kneel before God, and implore his help for our brave army.†(25) This moment hinted at a more independent minded approach to tradition al authority. When coupled together, the emotions of the crowds and the ability of groups like the Fatherland Party to find a footing in the political arena, gives reason to believe that the German people were ready to make a change that served their newfound interests. Fritzche explicitly makes this point, â€Å"the patriotism that Germans displayed was of their own making and suited to new conceptions of nation and citizenship which invited rather than discouraged public participation.†(66) At the conclusion of the war, millions of people were at a loss, and the Nazis stepped in to fill a void left by their opposition who had stoked the flames of nationalism but failed to capitalize on its apparent momentum. This included a strong message that laid blame for the German surrender at the feet of those in charge. Also, previous notions of class were turned upside down or, for the Nazis, right side up, making it possible for an illiberal, fascist community to become the norm. Simply put, â€Å"Basic elements of the Nazi message spoke to the political aspirations that burghers had held for more than ten years.†(192) Germans became Nazis by their own choosing, they were not forced to
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Challenges Of Professional s Infectiveness - 923 Words
Schon (1983) states, â€Å"We look to professionals for definitions and solutions of our problems and through them we strive for social progress†(p.4). Professionals and practitioners are individuals that are highly educated in a certain field of study. For example, our government looks to them for expertise for certain public problems. They are an essential part to our society. They work in favor of the public good because they come up with expert solutions to public problems. Professionals have their challenges and have been known in some incidences to negatively impact the society. Professional’s infectiveness is a challenge that professionals face when trying to come up with solutions. Some solutions are just as bad or even worse than intended to be. According to Schon, advocates for peace and the civil rights of minorities joined forces and turned against experts of whom they saw as instruments of an all-powerful establishment. Some public problems should be solve d by moral and political choice (Schon, 1983, p.9-11) All public servants overcome challenges faced in their positions. The public servant role of a Municipal Court Judge faces many challenges during his/her judgeship. In an interview with Judge Sybil Cleveland, she stated that a challenge of judgeship is following the judicial code of ethics (personal communication, November 7, 2015). There is a code of conduct for all United States Judges, which includes federal, state and local judges. According to United States
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Differentiate Between Management and Leadership Free Essays
Individual paper: Differentiate between management and leadership. Be specific 1. Describe the roles and responsibilities that organizational managers and leaders play in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Differentiate Between Management and Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Recommend at least two strategies that organizational managers and leaders can ust to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. Support your concepts w/the concepts discussed in class. Management and leadership both play an important role in the success of a company. However, each role has a different function and in order to be successful in either position, you must have a clear understanding of what each role entails. This paper seeks to provide an understanding of the difference between management and leadership positions. It will expound on the role and responsibilities of each position because often times the two are viewed as having the same function. Managing a company is the process of moving the company forward implementing identified goals and objectives. Managing is the process of planning, organizing and allocating the necessary resources to accomplish these goals and objectives. He/she will be responsible for developing control mechanisms to motivate employees, measure the companies achievements, as well as ensure projects and operations are run efficiently, cost saving, and effective. 3. Leadership is more abstract when considered separately from management. Leadership is guiding a person or group toward the best results. It is having sound understanding to determine and ability to articulate visions and goals. Leadership is in par with management, but takes on precedence for strategic management and long-term success. How to cite Differentiate Between Management and Leadership, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Managing Stress In Projects Using Coaching Leadership Tools
Question: Discuss about the Managing stress in projects using coaching leadership tools. Answer: Article 1 Larsson, J.,Eriksson, P.,Olofsson, T., Simonsson, P.(2015). "Leadership in Civil Engineering: Effects of Project Managers Leadership Styles on Project Performance."J. Manage. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000367, 04015011. Successful completion of project requires the ability to co-ordinate the activities of several employees participated in the project of an industry. Thus, project manager plays an important role to set the ground rules and cultivate the combined approach, which strongly influence the performance of a project (Larsson et al., 2015). Article 2 Saif Ur Rehman Khan, Long, C. S., Syed Muhammad Javed Iqbal. (2014). Authentic leadership: An emerging issue in project management.Research Journal of Applied Sciences,8(11), 1377-1383. With the advancement in the project management, todays project leaders have to be specific to their field in term of technical and behavioral approach. Authentic leadership would be most appropriate leadership style for project management in an industry (Saif et al., 2014). In this leadership, the project leaders would keep build honest relationship with the follower participated in the project. Article 3 Stagnaro, C., Piotrowski, C. (2014). Shared leadership: A critical component in IT project management.Journal of Technology Research,5, 1. Information technology fields are evolving rapidly and thus it requires innovation and creativity of the employees participated in the IT project. Distributed leadership approach of the leaders are best suited for the project success as it allows the project participants to lead each other and thus helps in creativity of each other (Stagnaro Piotrowski, 2014). Article 4 Mokhtarisani, M., Zarei, M. M., Leman, Z. (2014). Influence of leadership behavior on project management performance in malaysian industries. Paper presented at the, 564673-677. In todays industrial environment, effective leadership approach has become the prime importance to successfully completing the project and thus bringing competitive edge to the industry (Mokhtarisani et al., 2014). Effective leadership style can minimize the cost of the project by completing the project in right time. Article 5 Krog, C. L., Govender, K. (2015). The relationship between servant leadership and employee empowerment, commitment, trust and innovative behaviour: A project management perspective.SA Journal of Human Resource Management,13(1) In todays competitive era, the success of the project not only dependent on the altitudinal characteristic of the leader but also it is dependent on the positional power of the leaders (Krog Govender, 2015). It is related to wisdom, emotional healing and persuasive mapping quality of the leaders to get the work done by the project worker. Article 6 Clarke, N. (2012). Shared leadership in projects: A matter of substance over style.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,18(3/4), 196-209. Most of the industrial and government project are globalized in nature and thus frequently needs changes in the project procedures. Hence, in this case if a project leaders show shared leadership then the employees would be allowed to lead each others works and thus change their working criteria easily for the successes of the project (Clarke, 2012). Article 7 Yang, L., Huang, C., Hsu, T. (2014). Knowledge leadership to improve project and organizational performance.International Journal of Project Management,32(1) Great project leaders always tend to find way to help the project participant in delivering high performance for the success of the project. Recent project leaders show knowledge leadership for their followers through sharing their knowledge throughout the organization (Yang et al., 2014). Article 8 Lundy, V., Morin, P. (2013). Project leadership influences resistance to change: The case of the canadian public service.Project Management Journal,44(4), 45-64. The success of the project sometimes depends on the ability of the project to adopt the changes of the market. In this case, project participant may sometimes resistant to change (Lundy Morin, 2013). The resistance of the project participants can only be overcome through effective engage leadership of the project leaders. Article 9 Nixon, P., Harrington, M., Parker, D. (2012). Leadership performance is significant to project success or failure: A critical analysis.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,61(2), 204-216. Having a single leadership approach throughout the whole project is not appropriate for the success of the project. The circumstances of the project may change and the project leaders should change the leadership style to accommodate the change (Nixon et al., 2012). Article 10 Tyssen, A. K., Wald, A., Spieth, P. (2014). The challenge of transactional and transformational leadership in projects.International Journal of Project Management,32(3) The commitment of the project participants is vey essential to make a project successful. Therefore, effective leadership is very vital to engage project participants in the success of the project (Tyssen et al., 2014). Modern leaders generally follow transformational leadership to engage project participants in the project work. Article 11 Zhang, L., Cheng, J. (2015). Effect of knowledge leadership onKnowledge sharing in engineering project design teams: The role ofSocial capital.Project Management Journal,46(5) The success of the project depends on effective knowledge sharing of the leader. Hence, effective knowledge sharing depends on the appropriate knowledge of the leader to promote collaborative and trustworthy working environment and develop shared vision of the project (Zhang Cheng, 2015). Article 12 Berg, M. E., Karlsen, J. T. (2013). Managing stress in projects using coaching leadership tools.Engineering Management Journal,25(4), 52-61. The work of a modern project team leader is very difficult, demanding and challenging, as they have to manage many works together (Berg Karlsen, 2013). When the project is complex in nature and the purpose of the project is unclear, the project leaders should be very interactive with the project participant. Article 13 Kissi, J., Dainty, A., Tuuli, M. (2013). Examining the role of transformational leadership of portfolio managers in project performance.International Journal of Project Management,31(4), 485-497. In order to handle multiple activities of a project effectively, the recent project leaders apply transformational leadership style in the workplace. It increases the motivation of the project participants as they are allowed to make creative idea for the project success (Kissi et al., 2013). Article 14 Senam, M. R., Rashid, K. A., Sarkawi, A. A., Zaini, R. M. (2014). Construction project leadership from the perspective of islam.International Journal of Islamic Thought,6, 46-56. Most of the projects of the industry are globalized in nature. Therefore, the project leaders have to manage diverse group of people involving in his project. In such case, project leaders use ethical leadership, in which the leaders respect value of all people and consider their dignity for motivating them towards the success of the project (Senam et al., 2014). Article 15 Muller, R., Geraldi, J., Turner, J. R., Handelshgskolan vid Ume universitet (USBE), Ume universitet, Samhllsvetenskapliga fakulteten. (2012;2011;). Relationships between leadership and success in different types of project complexities.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,59(1), 77-90. Successful completion of a complex project is highly dependent on intelligence quotient and emotional quotient and the leader (Muller et al., 2012). Through using the intelligence quotient the project leaders breaks down the whole project into several simpler projects and make this project easier for the project participants. Article 16 Morgan Tuuli, M., Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R., Liu, A. M. M. (2012). Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,18(3/4), 149-175. Most of the time, the effective leaders use person oriented leadership for completing a complex project. It is positively related to the psychological empowerment of the project participants for their hard work (Morgan et al., 2012). This leadership style concentrates more on valuing the people involved in the project. Article 17 Kaminsky, J. B. (2012). Impact of nontechnical leadership practices on it project success.Journal of Leadership Studies,6(1), 30-49 For the success of an IT project, it is necessary for a project leader to apply adaptive leadership in the project completion. Adaptive leadership helps individual as well as adapt a challenging environment for the success of the project (Kaminsky, 2012). Article 18 Thamhain, H. (2012). The changing role of team leadership in multinational project environments.Revista De Gesto e Projetos,3(2), 4-38 In order to create a high performance project team, the leaders should be very much concerned about the fact that personal and professional needs of the project participants are successfully balanced (Thamhain, 2012). Article 19 Braun, F. C., Avital, M., Martz, B. (2012). Action-centered team leadership influences more than performance.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,18(3/4), 176-195 Action centered project leadership practice helps in creating a project team environment that promote knowledge and learning collaboration along with job satisfaction and individual performance of the project participants (Braun et al., 2012). Article 20 Muganda, N., Pillay, K. (2013). Forms of power, politics and leadership in asynchronous virtual project environment.International Journal of Managing Projects in Business,6(3), 457-484 Effective leadership can minimize conflict among the project participant through maintaining participative leadership in the project execution (Muganda Pillay, 2013). Minimizing conflicts among the project participants would ultimately lead the success of the project. References Berg, M. E., Karlsen, J. T. (2013). Managing stress in projects using coaching leadership tools.Engineering Management Journal,25(4), 52-61. Braun, F. C., Avital, M., Martz, B. (2012). Action-centered team leadership influences more than performance.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,18(3/4), 176-195 Clarke, N. (2012). Shared leadership in projects: A matter of substance over style.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,18(3/4), 196-209. Kaminsky, J. B. (2012). Impact of nontechnical leadership practices on it project success.Journal of Leadership Studies,6(1), 30-49 Kissi, J., Dainty, A., Tuuli, M. (2013). Examining the role of transformational leadership of portfolio managers in project performance.International Journal of Project Management,31(4), 485-497. Krog, C. L., Govender, K. (2015). The relationship between servant leadership and employee empowerment, commitment, trust and innovative behaviour: A project management perspective.SA Journal of Human Resource Management,13(1) Larsson, J.,Eriksson, P.,Olofsson, T., Simonsson, P.(2015). "Leadership in Civil Engineering: Effects of Project Managers Leadership Styles on Project Performance."J. Manage. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000367, 04015011. Lundy, V., Morin, P. (2013). Project leadership influences resistance to change: The case of the canadian public service.Project Management Journal,44(4), 45-64. Mokhtarisani, M., Zarei, M. M., Leman, Z. (2014). Influence of leadership behavior on project management performance in malaysian industries. Paper presented at the, 564673-677. Morgan Tuuli, M., Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R., Liu, A. M. M. (2012). Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,18(3/4), 149-175. Muganda, N., Pillay, K. (2013). Forms of power, politics and leadership in asynchronous virtual project environment.International Journal of Managing Projects in Business,6(3), 457-484 Muller, R., Geraldi, J., Turner, J. R., Handelshgskolan vid Ume universitet (USBE), Ume universitet, Samhllsvetenskapliga fakulteten. (2012;2011;). Relationships between leadership and success in different types of project complexities.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,59(1), 77-90. Nixon, P., Harrington, M., Parker, D. (2012). Leadership performance is significant to project success or failure: A critical analysis.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,61(2), 204-216. Saif Ur Rehman Khan, Long, C. S., Syed Muhammad Javed Iqbal. (2014). Authentic leadership: An emerging issue in project management.Research Journal of Applied Sciences,8(11), 1377-1383. Senam, M. R., Rashid, K. A., Sarkawi, A. A., Zaini, R. M. (2014). Construction project leadership from the perspective of islam.International Journal of Islamic Thought,6, 46-56. Stagnaro, C., Piotrowski, C. (2014). Shared leadership: A critical component in IT project management.Journal of Technology Research,5, 1. Thamhain, H. (2012). The changing role of team leadership in multinational project environments.Revista De Gesto e Projetos,3(2), 4-38 Tyssen, A. K., Wald, A., Spieth, P. (2014). The challenge of transactional and transformational leadership in projects.International Journal of Project Management,32(3) Yang, L., Huang, C., Hsu, T. (2014). Knowledge leadership to improve project and organizational performance.International Journal of Project Management,32(1) Zhang, L., Cheng, J. (2015). Effect of knowledge leadership onKnowledge sharing in engineering project design teams: The role ofSocial capital.Project Management Journal,46(5)
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